15 MAY, 2024 – Hannah Slade

Getting a new job, moving to a new place, or even meeting new people can be scary. It feels hard to admit this sometimes, because I would often rather be easygoing and fit comfortably into any situation. But the truth of my nature is that I like to anticipate things, and the curveballs of new situations often leave me feeling a lot of anxiety and unease. In the CORE temperament model, I am a C+E, which means I am motivated by comfort and also by exactness. My temperament type means that I really enjoy predictability and preparing myself for situations.


When something happens that I wasn’t expecting, I get really disorganized and I have to take time to process it. Hopefully, I’m not the only one and others have experienced this as well.

Understanding Temperament

The only reason I understand this about myself is because of the CORE temperament types. By understanding these things about myself, I can also understand how to expect the unexpected and prepare for the unknown.

For me, only being optimistic about the future and how I’ll manage it often leaves me disorganized when I face difficulties that I hadn’t foreseen. Last year I had to move to a new place, and I was really nervous about the uncertainty of what I faced. I told several people that I expected it to be really hard and I was worried about feeling lonely. However, when I actually got to the place and started experiencing the hard things, I was talking about it wasn’t as bad as I had expected. Or it was still hard, but I had expected it to be, so it didn’t take me by surprise.

For me, only being optimistic about the future and how I’ll manage it often leaves me disorganized when I face difficulties that I hadn’t foreseen

Why Does it Matter?

It sounds like a bad thing to be pessimistic about the future. And you would be right, positivity is still the best policy to keep when anticipating the future. I still knew that there would be amazing moments and wonderful opportunities once I got to my new place. But by understanding myself and the things I have a difficult time with, I was able to circumvent the amount of time I would have had to take processing my feelings by already anticipating what I might be feeling in the future.

Often wishing we are different will only hurt us in the future. I always expect myself to act oppositely of what my true nature is (out of optimism of my abilities or a desire to be different than what I am), but by being understanding of my nature and temperament I was able to handle the difficulties of my situation. 


Find out your CORE temperament type – 


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