Ways We Help
C.O.R.E. is our unique evidence-based personality profiling system that reveals your temperament – something that can’t be changed – and helps you understand:
- what motivates you
- why you do the things you do
- how you interact with others
- your unique contributions to the world

Healthy+Happy is our 7-Step Coaching Program that teaches you how to:
- understand what you believe and why
- navigate your own emotional response cycle
- communicate effectively with those around you
- create the closeness and connection you crave

TMS is a non-medication depression treatment offered at our clinic in Southern Utah. Key Benefits include:
- non-invaisive
- almost no side effects
- covered by most insurance companies
- gentle magnetic pulses to stimulate brain activity
- 90%+ success rate
The Healthy+Happy Coaching Program
Our Proven 7-Step Coaching Program
that provides you with the skills, processes, and relationships needed in a healthy and happy life.
Over the course of more than 25 years’ experience with clients, research, and education, Dr. Slade was able to identify four primary Temperament types: the C, the O, the R, and the E.
By helping our clients understand why they think, feel, and generally behave the way they do, so many aspects of life that were once major challenges can be approached with new insight and greater ease.
Understanding your C.O.R.E. is all about finding, understanding, and then using your natural strengths in a way that helps you find the greatest happiness in your life and relationships and then developing the skills and relationships in your life that minimize the effects of your weaknesses.
Step 1:
Your C.O.R.E.

Step 1:
Your C.O.R.E.

Over the course of more than 25 years’ experience with clients, research, and education, Dr. Slade was able to identify four primary Temperament types: the C, the O, the R, and the E.
By helping our clients understand why they think, feel, and generally behave the way they do, so many aspects of life that were once major challenges can be approached with new insight and greater ease.
Understanding your C.O.R.E. is all about finding, understanding, and then using your natural strengths in a way that helps you find the greatest happiness in your life and relationships and then developing the skills and relationships in your life that minimize the effects of your weaknesses.
Step 2:
Resource Management

So many of us feel overwhelmed! That’s why we believe it’s important to start by fueling the engine that it takes to power the change you’re looking for. This is done by helping you understand what it takes to create resources, manage stressors, and balance both personal and relationship needs.
Instead of always running on empty, you will begin to prioritize your resources and fill your reservoir, not just drain it.
If you feel like you’re always running on empty, we have some research-based, proven methods that help you manage your load in life and end the constant overwhelm!
When you understand how the brain works, you realize that you have a lot of power in directing where it goes.
Our bodies rely on the chemicals that our brain is responsible for producing…but there are specific activities and physical needs that the brain relies on US to give it! Learning how to create a better balance between the body and brain is what Neurology Made Easy is all about!
Being ‘Healthy’ is so much more than following an expensive or time consuming diet/exercise plan. The methods taught here are universal and easily applicable.
Step 3:
Neurology Made Easy

Step 3:
Neurology Made Easy

When you understand how the brain works, you realize that you have a lot of power in directing where it goes.
Our bodies rely on the chemicals that our brain is responsible for producing…but there are specific activities and physical needs that the brain relies on US to give it! Learning how to create a better balance between the body and brain is what Neurology Made Easy is all about!
Being ‘Healthy’ is so much more than following an expensive or time consuming diet/exercise plan. The methods taught here are universal and easily applicable.
Step 4:
Rewiring the Brain

Many of us keep hitting our heads against the same walls over and over again…and the reason is simple. Our brains are almost completely wired in the first few years of our lives, but they aren’t always wired correctly. This can often lead to the repetitive, negative patterns of thinking and behavior.
The good news? You can literally rewire your brain by following several proven steps.
Through this process, you will untangle limiting beliefs about yourself and reroute them toward a greater sense of safety and belonging, in your relationships.
If you feel like past trauma (known or unknown) has left you feeling ‘broken’ or changed the way you interact and think, Rewiring the Brain will give you a fresh start and a new lease on life.
Step 4:
Rewiring the Brain

Many of us keep hitting our heads against the same walls over and over again…and the reason is simple. Our brains are almost completely wired in the first few years of our lives, but they aren’t always wired correctly. This can often lead to the repetitive, negative patterns of thinking and behavior.
The good news? You can literally rewire your brain by following several proven steps.
Through this process, you will untangle limiting beliefs about yourself and reroute them toward a greater sense of safety and belonging, in your relationships.
If you feel like past trauma (known or unknown) has left you feeling ‘broken’ or changed the way you interact and think, Rewiring the Brain will give you a fresh start and a new lease on life.
We believe that this is the most important key to creating and maintaining a close and connected relationship. Being alone in a relationship is one of the loneliest place on Earth! While other programs might touch on attachment, we understand it and use it as the strong foundation which everything else is built upon.
Learn how create and maintain a close and connected relationship by understanding the components and benefits of a building a secure attachment.
If you are looking to feel safe in your relationships, understanding how to create and nurture healthy attachment is vital!
Step 5:
Attachment Theory

Step 5:
Attachment Theory

We believe that this is the most important key to creating and maintaining a close and connected relationship. Being alone in a relationship is one of the loneliest place on Earth! While other programs might touch on attachment, we understand it and use it as the strong foundation which everything else is built upon.
Learn how create and maintain a close and connected relationship by understanding the components and benefits of a building a secure attachment.
If you are looking to feel safe in your relationships, understanding how to create and nurture healthy attachment is vital!
Step 6:
Conflict Resolution CPR

Conflict is an essential part of healthy human relationships! We aren’t born knowing how to fight, and most people have no idea how to do it well. Ineffective conflict resolution is the culprit of much of the distance that gets created across time in a relationship.
With all of the information and skills gained from the first four steps, you will be ready for Dr. Slade to teach you his exclusive step-by-step formula to help you to fight effectively and fairly— all while preserving attachment! You will come away from conflict feeling more understood, more safe, and like you matter to your partner more than ever before.
If fighting in your relationship leaves you feeling drained, you’re doing it wrong. Conflict Resolution CPR will teach you the exact steps you need to take in any conflict that will lead to greater understanding and connection!
Step 7:
Healthy Sexuality

Why would you want to have sex with someone that you don’t feel close to and that you’re not even sure you like a lot of the time!?
There is a reason that this is the final unit of the Healthy+Happy Online Course. If you have done the work to incorporate the skills and tools gained in the previous units, you will better prepared to learn how to create and nurture a healthy sexual relationship in your marriage.
As this is often one of the most dysfunctional areas in a marriage, we address the purposes of physical intimacy and how to make the necessary changes in this important area of your relationship.
Healthy Sexuality will deepen and intensify an already healthy marriage, and help to strengthen one that may be struggling.
Why would you want to have sex with someone that you don’t feel close to and that you’re not even sure you like a lot of the time!?
There is a reason that this is the final unit of the Healthy+Happy Online Course. If you have done the work to incorporate the skills and tools gained in the previous units, you will better prepared to learn how to create and nurture a healthy sexual relationship in your marriage.
As this is often one of the most dysfunctional areas in a marriage, we address the purposes of physical intimacy and how to make the necessary changes in this important area of your relationship.
Healthy Sexuality will deepen and intensify an already healthy marriage, and help to strengthen one that may be struggling.
Step 7:
Healthy Sexuality