My whole life, I’ve had two dreams. 

I’ve loved being in charge. I love feeling ‘in control’ and being responsible for big things. I always want to ensure that things are done properly, and in an effort to be transparent, I’ll admit that I usually think that I’m the best person to do that, haha. That’s the E (Exactness) part of my temperament coming into play! 

And…I have always wanted to be a mom. A really good mom. One who is gentle and compassionate, always makes good parenting decisions, and never feels angry or raises her voice at her kids. 
I want to be totally chill when craft time leads to paint all over the floor or the hose gets dragged in the back door and into the house… 

Do you see my problem yet? 

I guess I should probably introduce myself before I go on. Context, right? 

Who Am I?

My name is Emma, I’m a wife, a mom of two amazing little boys, an R/E, and the Marketing Director for Dr. Denim Slade.  

I love writing, spending time outdoors with my family, and being right. KIDDING…mostly 😉 

As a team we decided that we wanted you to hear from all of us once in a while, not just Dr. Slade.  We want you to learn what C.O.R.E. means to each of us, how it has influenced our lives and relationships…not just stories of how it can

Anyways, back to my inner battles over here. 

There isn’t a person you wouldn’t love if you could read their whole story. 

-Marjorie Hinckley

Fitting a Broken Mold

It has often felt like my two dreams don’t really work together. How can I be particular and flexible? How can I retain some maternal softness when the R part of my brain just wants to ‘get ‘er done?’ 
I’ve spent a lot of years with a personality that felt more equipped to handle office life than ‘playroom life.’ And with this came so many feelings of inadequacy, frustration, and even hopelessness. 
At the end of the day, I often wished I could be a C. I wanted to be sensitive and aware of all the feelings and care less about getting things done than I do about another’s feelings. 
To me, it felt like if I could be a C Mom I could just forget about everything else. 
But I’m not a C Mom. I’m an R/E Mom and I can’t change that! And I don’t need to change to be happy and fulfill both of my dreams. 
When I started working for Dr. Slade, I learned about C.O.R.E. and was able to put into words so many of the feelings I’d had. And I learned that I wasn’t broken…but that maybe the mold was. 
There is no mold for a perfect mom. There is no mold for a perfect employee, a perfect wife, a perfect daughter. 
The most broken thing about any of these roles is our expectations. 

What Comes Next?

When I stopped trying to fit into this ‘broken mold’, I found greater peace and joy in my life. 

I am more patient with my boys because I’m more focused on them than my feelings of inadequacy. 

I am a better mom because I take the time to work and pursue my other dreams. It’s a tenuous balance a lot of the time…but I am part of an amazing team and an amazing family that ALWAYS make up for where I lack. I’m finding that I’m wrong more and more…and that’s okay too.


If you haven’t taken the C.O.R.E. Assessment yet, click here to take it and find out your C.O.R.E. Personality Type! 

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