The C.O.R.E. of Your Holidays

It seems like nowadays, stress and the holiday season are a package deal.

There are a lot of reasons why that could be–we even talked about a few of them–but the most important thing is that we learn to thrive amongst it. We don’t want our holiday season marred by things that are outside of our control. This year, let’s choose to focus on those things that are within our control!

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a hundred times: Our C.O.R.E. Type affects EVERYTHING. While some might view this in a negative light, I don’t! Why? Because once you understand why you think, feel, and act the way you do, you can choose to play to your strengths rather than fight against your limitations.

The C, O, R, and E Temperament types react to stress very differently…but they also feel stress for different reasons! A C person might feel stressed or sad because they feel disconnected from the people they love during the holiday season. An R person might feel overwhelmed because there is so much to do and they feel like they don’t have time to get it done so they just run around the whole time!

But even though the different C.O.R.E. Types have different ‘triggers,’ there are also quite a few things that can be done to decrease stress and increase that energized feeling that comes from being happy and feeling more in control of oneself.

So this week, I want to share with you some C.O.R.E. specific tips that can help you thrive this holiday season.

If you still feel overwhelmed or discouraged, let us help you! We can get you connected with one of our Healthy+Happy Coaches or you can join the Healthy+Happy 7 Facebook Group for more insights and support.

We are here for you and we are rooting for you! You are doing better than you think.




Denim L. Slade, PhD + the Healthy+Happy TeamĀ 

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