Removing the Old to Make Way for the New


Think of repeating affirmations as adding clean, high-quality oil to a car engine to keep it running smoothly. However, if you neglect to remove the old, dirty oil and change the filter, that new oil won’t make much of a difference. It will mix with the old, become contaminated, and ultimately fail to improve the engine’s performance. Over time, if left unaddressed, the car may even break down.

Our subconscious mind plays a role similar to the oil filter in our car. It accumulates thoughts and beliefs throughout our lives, many of which are rooted in childhood experiences and create belief systems that aren’t always in our best interest. These beliefs can be limiting, negative, and restrictive. Adding positive affirmations to a mind filled with such beliefs is like pouring clean oil into a dirty filter—it might feel good at first, but it gets lost in the mental “gunk.”

Affirmations and the Filter of Your Mind

Affirmations indeed hold the potential to change our lives for the better, but they are most effective when we address the underlying beliefs—the mental filter—that may be holding us back. To truly make affirmations work for us, we must be willing to change the filter. Here are some simple steps to help you do just that:

 “I dream my life, and then I live my dream.”

Bob Proctor

Your Next Steps

  1. Quiet Your Mind: Dedicate time each day to quiet your mind through meditation or mindfulness practices. This helps create a receptive mental environment for change.
  2. Define Your Desires: Ask yourself what you want to have, do, and be in your life. Clearly define your goals and aspirations. (Pay attention to the answers that emerge from within you. Your intuition often holds the key to your deepest desires.)
  3. Identify Excuses: As you work toward your goals, be aware of the excuses and self-limiting beliefs that surface. These are the junk beliefs residing in your mental filter.
  4. Challenge and Disprove: Recognize these excuses as false beliefs. Challenge them by taking actions that prove them wrong. Often, this requires stepping out of your comfort zone.
  5. Act “As If”: As you act on your goals, repeat your affirmations while behaving as if your desired reality is already here. This “acting as if” mentality reinforces your affirmations with aligned actions. In the words of Bob Proctor, “I dream my life, and then I live my dream.” This approach is about actively pursuing your dreams while consistently working to change the filter of your mind. As you replace limiting beliefs with empowering ones, your affirmations become the catalyst for transformation in your life.

What Can This Mean in Your Life?

Affirmations are a valuable tool for personal growth and change, but their effectiveness depends on the state of your mental filter. If you find yourself frustrated by the lack of progress despite repeating affirmations, it’s time to address the beliefs that may be holding you back. By combining the power of affirmations with a commitment to changing your mental filter, you can unlock your true potential and create the life you desire. Remember, it’s not just about saying the words; it’s about believing and acting upon them as if they were already true.


If you want to learn more about how to change your filter, check out this older post by Dr. Slade on Rewiring the Brain! You can also feel free to leave a comment or submit a contact form if you have questions or thoughts you want us to address! 

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