When my family and I are all sitting together watching a movie or TV show, we will often sit there and laugh together as we try to identify the main character’s C.O.R.E. types. My adult daughters have leaned heavily on their understanding of C.O.R.E. as they date, learn to live with roommates, make friends, and even adjust to married life!
As a small business owner, I have used C.O.R.E. in the hiring process to ensure my incredible employees have a job that fulfills, challenges, and compliments them (and their C.O.R.E.)! And you will always here us laughing about my O-ness…if I didn’t have Rs and Es around I don’t know how I’d get much done!
Then obviously as a Coach, C.O.R.E. lays the foundation for my Healthy+Happy Program! It’s the first thing I cover with a new client or couple and it’s something that we discuss constantly throughout the time they are working with me.
But why is that? Why is C.O.R.E. the thing we (myself and incredible Healthy+Happy Coaches) focus on the most?
How does a personality/temperament assessment make that much of a difference in your life?
Imagine that you need to wear glasses…or if you’re like me you don’t need to imagine!
Then, imagine what it would be like if you didn’t haven them to read or take a test.
The content would be blurry right? You might misunderstand or misinterpret things along the way because you don’t have a clear picture. C.O.R.E. is kind of like a pair of glasses. When our clients work through the Healthy+Happy program, we want them to have a clear picture of who they are and why they are the way they are before trying to make changes in their lives…because a lot of the things that might feel wrong or broken in their lives don’t need to be changed at all! Each C.O.R.E. moves through life with different motivations, strengths, and weaknesses. By getting to the C.O.R.E. of who you are FIRST, so many things become easier to manage.
So here’s a little challenge for you. Assuming you’ve already taken the C.O.R.E. Assessment, I want you to consider a few of the things about yourself that have bothered you or made you feel broken in the past. THEN, I want you to consider how those things could also be viewed as a strength.
If you’re married or in a serious relationship, you can extend this challenge to your partner. How are some of those, well, bothersome traits actually work to your and your partners advantage?
When you begin to focus on your natural strengths and to view and understand many of your self-perceived weaknesses for what they are–merely side effects of those strengths–you can experience much greater happiness in your life and relationships.
Now, if you haven’t taken the C.O.R.E. Assessment, I would invite you to begin your Healthy+Happy journey by taking it today! See the link below.
Have a fantastic day!