‘Did I Miss Something?’

Missing Pieces Have you ever jumped into a conversation and thought…‘Did I miss something?’ You try to put the pieces together and understand what they are talking about, but you realize that you are missing some foundational detail of what is being discussed. And it’s keeping you from understanding what’s going on. In some settings, […]

Conflict Resolution CPR: Part Two

Earlier this month, we outlined the first two aspects of my Conflict Resolution CPR strategy: “Communication” and “Protect and Preserve Attachment.” This week, I want to talk to you about the final element–the R. Recieve The R in Conflict Resolution CPR stands for “Receive.” Unlike the first two parts, “Receive” focuses on the listener rather […]

Conflict Resolution CPR: Part One

Managing conflict is one of the most difficult things to do in a relationship. Most people don’t know how to fight well, and there is a lot more to conflict resolution than simply ‘winning’ the argument. It is not normal to fight well! So if you want to work through conflict in a healthy way, […]

Rewiring the Brain: Cognitive Cycle

Earlier this month we discussed our core beliefs, conditional assumptions, and automatic thoughts. These provide the framework for how we interpret everyday conversations and respond to the world around us. When we understand our body’s natural response to these events, we can “filter” them and react in the way we choose! BODY/Brain interactive Cycle When […]

The Reservoir: Dealing with Droughts

The Reservoir One of the main components of Resource Management is The Reservoir. The Reservoir is an analogy used to demonstrate how each of our emotional needs are met. There are inevitable events that deplete our reservoir of energy throughout the day; how we respond to the things that drain us plays an important role […]

Resource Management: Relationship Fillers

This month we are focusing on helping you with Resource Management, and this week is specifically about relationship fillers!  Check out the blog posts from the last couple of weeks to get some background info on the reservoir and on personal fillers.  The key to Resource Management is about learning how to run our lives […]

Resource Management: Fillers

This month we are focusing on helping you with Resource Management, and this week is specifically about fillers!  Check out last week’s blog post here to get some background info on the reservoir.  The key Resource Management is about learning how to run our lives so we have enough emotional resources to deal with the […]


CORE is one of my absolute favorite things to talk about! In a nutshell, CORE is the temperament (kind of like personality) model that I developed over years of research. It helps us understand the innate part of us that doesn’t change and motivates why we do the things we do! CORE can help us […]

Conflict Resolution: Communicate

Dealing with and resolving conflict is easily one of the most difficult things for most relationships! Conflict is a crucial part of any relationship. The key to a healthy relationship isn’t avoiding conflict, it’s learning how to do conflict healthily.  CPR of Conflict Resolution The three main components of conflict resolution can be remembered with […]